Sunday, September 5, 2010

Drop v3!

This is the third version of my drop map. I went a step further from v2 and I added quite a bit of detail. I added 3 custom songs to be played during game play to make sure that the game wouldn't get to quite making it seem boring. In the previous version, the objective was to hold a flag but then people were to focused on killing or the flag holder would camp on the room with a sentry near by. To remove that it now haves a moving mine cart that is a control point. It is always moving and it has a loud moving rumbling sound to make sure it catches the players attention. I removed the acidic factor of the water due to that it seemed to removed too much health restricting the players time down in the hole ( but it has a func_nobuild to prevent engineers to build sentries down there because it doesn't seem to logical for electrical equipment to run under water ). At spawn, I added a invisible fence to make sure no one gets out of the appropriate and a timer so players knew an approximate time that they will be dropped ( Every 20 seconds ). I also used a lot of displacements to make the map better because in v2 the map was very blocky ( That is a no-no to me ). The bottom of the shaft is very dark and gloomy to give a kind of underground feel.

Story: Red and Blu are fighting over a local mine because deep inside is a resupply cache that both of them desperately need. They must hold the cart for 10 seconds then they should receive a supply point. So lock n' load and prepare to be dropped in that mine!

This map version was mostly for practice! If I do release there will be slight changes.

View from blue base
View of the center
Looking up the mine shaft

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