Sunday, September 5, 2010

Drop v3!

This is the third version of my drop map. I went a step further from v2 and I added quite a bit of detail. I added 3 custom songs to be played during game play to make sure that the game wouldn't get to quite making it seem boring. In the previous version, the objective was to hold a flag but then people were to focused on killing or the flag holder would camp on the room with a sentry near by. To remove that it now haves a moving mine cart that is a control point. It is always moving and it has a loud moving rumbling sound to make sure it catches the players attention. I removed the acidic factor of the water due to that it seemed to removed too much health restricting the players time down in the hole ( but it has a func_nobuild to prevent engineers to build sentries down there because it doesn't seem to logical for electrical equipment to run under water ). At spawn, I added a invisible fence to make sure no one gets out of the appropriate and a timer so players knew an approximate time that they will be dropped ( Every 20 seconds ). I also used a lot of displacements to make the map better because in v2 the map was very blocky ( That is a no-no to me ). The bottom of the shaft is very dark and gloomy to give a kind of underground feel.

Story: Red and Blu are fighting over a local mine because deep inside is a resupply cache that both of them desperately need. They must hold the cart for 10 seconds then they should receive a supply point. So lock n' load and prepare to be dropped in that mine!

This map version was mostly for practice! If I do release there will be slight changes.

View from blue base
View of the center
Looking up the mine shaft

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I almost danced in between 14 cameras!

Today, was actually kinda awesome. When I was in my lab for school ( Computer Science ), we started to mess around with motion capture. Motion capture is when 14 camera are aligned and use movements to then add to a skeleton. But, unfortunately we were separated into groups. My group was sent to do some computer aided learning while the first group got calibrated for the motion capture. The first group went smoothly and when it came to my group, we got one guy in and it decided to not work. The rest of my school day was uneventful ( Dam school is so boring ). The bus ride home was long and agonizing, the bus system changed the route and it took longer for me to get home ( or so it seemed ).  I tried to work on my Team Fortress 2 map but I don't have enough drive to do it. Thank goodness for StumbleUpon though, it has saved me so many times! One video I think is always funny is the Banana Costume Prank. It is a classic!

"The glass is neither half-full nor half-empty: it's twice as big as it needs to be" - Unknown

Urban Terror, the Quake 3 Urban Warfare Game

Urban Terror is a standalone Quake 3 game made by Frozen Sand. The game is rather popular and most servers are full. Equipment involves Primary, Secondary, a side arm, grenades, and items. Though beware that equipping certain items will disable a certain box! ( Ex. A Machine gun will disable Secondary Weapon). There a few game modes such as Free for All, Team Death match, CTF, and MORE! The game is fun and there is custom maps that players can make. The game doesn't require a lot of resources so even low end computers can play this. The game itself is a very fun and fast pace game. The guns look very good and character models look decent. Options in the game can increase your field of view ( I play it at 110 fov ). This game is fun to play when you want to kill some time but has potential to be played quite often. In the recent version, they have added the function of the characters to have hats like the one with the player looking down the scope. So the game is heavily under development as they are adding stuff constantly. The game is supported on Windows, Mac, and Linux! Not to mention it supports several languages!

A fire fight
Aiming down a scope!

Part of the Castle Map
Pray and Spray
One of the SMGs

Too much gun fire in the background? Here is a game play video to straighten it out!
Ready to lock n' load? Click Here to Download!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Minecraft. the Famous Infi-Miner!

Terrain Modded
Minecraft is a game made by Markus "Notch" Perrson. An infi-miner is game that indefinitely creates a world that players can "mine" from. The game is coded in Java, and the game will cost 20 euros. Though it is currently in alpha and the prices is an awesome 50% off! I have bought the game and have spent many hours mining in my many mines ( Haha repetition). The game is under heavy development and every Friday has a secret update ( It is when he adds hidden features to the game ). The game supports mods and skins to your character and going deep into the file path of where it is downloaded you can change the land. Multiplayer was recently release on a very unstable build, though since he has been visiting differently countries he hasn't had much time to work on it. Currently there are some workbenches and tools. "Mobs" are AI such as animals or monsters that will appear in mines or during the night so make sure you lock your door kiddies!

If you don't have much money you can still play the classic version of Minecraft which is a sandbox mode with no mobs or a day and night cycle. It is still fun to play with friends!

Though it takes a lot of processing power to run this game ( at its current build ) though its graphics don't look like much, the fact that there is a lot of calculations happening at one time. Play Classic Here! Though if you want to play Classic Multiplayer, it does require you to sign up and log in.

Interested? Click here to visit the homepage!

Some tress and water

Aren't sure what happens in the game?

Atlantica, a MMO Turn Based RPG!

A simple battle scene
Atlantica Online is a MMO Turn Based RPG ( Very Unique ) made by NDOORS. The player begins by choosing a class and then customizing the character. Weapons include swords, guns, spears, guitars, chainsaws, bows, and axe. Then the player must hire "Mercenaries which are still player controlled but you are able to sell and another worry is that while you level up and change gear so must your mercenaries. The amount of mercenaries are maxed out at 9 minus your main character. The character's source of experience is from quests which can could possibly only be complete once you answered by a question correctly. When it comes to battles the character to get experience are the ones who killed the monster or enemy. There is a party system that allows to up to 27 characters on the field at the same time. But when you get further in the game, the monsters will team up against you. Meaning, you could start a fight with one monster and another, possibly two, will join that monster and team against you. That's when it comes to partying, with both sides full the battlefield could have up to 59 characters at once. When you change so called "Zones" ( An area with a set range of leveled monsters, basically you level with these and move to a next zone ) the quest before will be a boss battle ( Which you can't party for ). The market is unique because most items have a set value which prevents players from selling very general items at a high price forcing new players to pay for those ridiculous prices. Crafting skills can be taught from traveling NPCs or by a player that has accumulated to a certain level of a skill can teach that skill up to that level. When it comes to traveling, Atlantica Online offers auto move which moves to the spot in the quest that you need to go. Though mounts in this game are very costly with in game money, though the easiest way to get a mount is by using real money ( How they get their money ). The graphics in the game are excellent for being a free game and the game play is unique in the sense that it is a free MMO which are typically hack and slash.

Some people in town
A epic battle scene 
A man welding a cannon

Did I make the game play confusing? Here is a video!

Avalance by Richard Whitehouse

The Purgatory Room
Avalance is a freeware game made by Richard Whitehouse, also it has music from Final Fantasy: Voices of the Lifestream! ( A overclocked remix of the FF7 music ). It is powered by the R-Cube Engine, a engine Whitehouse has made himself ( Not to mention that the game supports MODS )! Though the models might be low poly ( Detail ), this is an extremely fun game. It is based around the 7th Final Fantasy and combines the gameplay of Devil May Cry! There are many items and abilities to be bought from Barret ( Forge ) and there are a few easter eggs in the mix as well. Though the game will get hard, there is a battle zone so you can kill a few levels ( Known as plains in game ) of monsters in hope to get some money ( Mako )!

The story of the game is that Cloud is in a dazed state after a incident near a power core. Aerith saves the crew even though she just been killed and they wind up to what seems to be purgatory. Levels consist of a few story mode levels and the plains of the Battle Zone! Though the story is short, Battle Zone is good for when you are bored and could kill a few minutes or even wipe the game and do it again! The game is over once you rescue Cloud from his dazed state.

Battle Zone
Hallway of Monsters

Impressed? Wanna play!? Click Here to Download!

Not Impressed? Not sure what it is? How about a game play footage!

A Rather Boring Day

Today, it was rather boring! I had arrived to school like 30 minutes early and it was a ghost town so I was bored for like 20 minutes and then some friends had arrived. Boy, I think we have too much fun then we should have in these group circles of ours ( Or maybe it is just me! ). But unfortunately, the Tolles bus had arrived. School today was rather boring except some jokes that I kept saying due to a friend of mines creativity. Some examples are:

"If you watch Rambo backwards, it is about a combat medic that has a gun that heals and sucks in bullets at the same time"

"If you watch Cinderella backwards, it is about a rich lady that turns poor"

"I spent $5 on a cardboard box and got a free pizza inside of it"

( TF2 Joke ) "I spent $20 for a hat and got a free game"

Man, for some reason these jokes are hilarious when spoken correctly. When I got home, I went to Grooveshark and started to listen to Booka Shade which is an awesome band! I plan on reviewing some games later today!

Booka Shade:

"640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates